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首页Home / 美国洁成教育集团简介 About Us

  We are an educational company, formed by professionals with tens of years’ experience and many connections in the education sector. Our company specialized in educational projects and services, which include:


-  Advertising and promoting of University Programs, educational projects etc.

-  Student enrollment service for universities, departments, or educational organizations.

-  Linking service, help build bridges between different educational institutions.

-  Developing and building educational programs upon customers' needs.

-  Application service: consultation and assistance for student application from Elementary School to Graduate School.

  Our clients include the universities from UC/Cal State system, such as UCLA connect with Shanghai University , Cal poly  Pomona、Calstate Long Beach etc., or local colleges such as Santa Monica College.

  Besides our clients, we have channels to reach students in most universities/colleges in California; we also have strong connections with top universities in China, including Tsinghua, Jiaotong, Peking etc.

曾  洁



  • 我们与南加州地区几十所优质小学、初高中、以及大学等都有长久的合作伙伴关系,致力于STEAM课程的开发设计、教师培训等。

  • 我们的课程开发及顾问团队都拥有博士以上学位,横跨各个STEAM领域,并且拥有数十年的美国工作经历, 都是STEAM教育及培训的领军人员。

  • 我们是众多顶尖私立幼教、初高中、社区大学授权招生机构,提供从幼教、小学、初高中到大学、研究生的留学申请和文化交流全方位一条龙服务

  • 我们是培养未来精英之摇篮,我们将帮助您放飞梦想,让您的未来不再是梦!

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